Tuesday, April 6, 2010

No proof ISP filtering works: Abbott

OPPOSITION leader Tony Abbott says there is insufficient evidence ISP filtering is effective enough to warrant his full support.

Mr Abbott hasn't been convinced internet filtering can really trap net nasties as there was no substantial technical evidence.

"We certainly haven't seen the kind of technical assurances that we'd need so let's wait and see how this thing develops," he said in response to a question on ABC TV's Q&A program last night.

"I want to see protections in place. I don't want to see our kids exposed to really terrible stuff on the internet. On the other hand I don't want to see the internet destroyed by a filtering system that won't work so I guess for me it's a factual issue.

"Can you have a filtering system that is effective, that doesn't lull parents into a false sense of security and which doesn't in the process make the internet ineffective as the kind of marvellous research tool and educational device that it is?


My comment:
I've never even considered voting Liberal before. Just typing the words 'voting Liberal' make me do a double take. That said, this will be the only issue I will be voting on. I do not want the Australian Christian Lobby telling me where to surf.

Labor have just lost Tassy... the writing's on the wall.

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