Friday, April 30, 2010

Filter looks as though it is delayed

The Australian is reporting that the Government has shelved the introduction of the filter until after the election:

KEVIN Rudd has put another election promise on the backburner with his controversial internet filtering legislation set to be shelved until after the next election.

A spokeswoman for Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said yesterday the legislation would not be introduced next month's or the June sittings of parliament.


Australian IT article:

If they don't drop the idea before the election we will be dealing with a Howard style "mandate to introduce..." the filter. This has to be fought tooth and nail right up to the election so that they have to talk about it. Remember how much Howard talked about GST before that election??? Remember how much Rudd talked about the filter before the last election? They didn't. They are working on a variation of "He who is silent is said to consent... he who is ignorant is said to have erred in full knowledge.

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