Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sexual Predators: NOT an Internet Threat to Kids

Last year, the attorneys general of 49 states created the Internet Safety Technical Task Force to investigate sexual solicitation of children by molesters who troll for targets using sites popular with kids, among them, MySpace and Facebook. The 278-page report concluded that there's no real problem.

Psychology Today article:

Now, Senator Conroy, enough is enough. The main driver of your plan to filter the net is to protect children. That idea fails with this report.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kids' top searches include 'porn' (BBC)

A survey of children's web habits shows that "sex" and "porn" are among the top 10 most-searched terms.

BBC Story

Kids: Sometimes they need help, sometimes they need guidance, sometimes you've just gotta get the hell out of the way.

Parents, the kids know what they're doing.

Parents might be frightened of the internet but the kids know what they are doing.

SMH Article:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

China backs down on net filter plan

A top Beijing official said that a controversial internet filter software was optional for all users after plans to install it on computers sold in China triggered a storm of protest


Come on Chairman Rudd, your very good friends have come to their senses. Will you follow their excellent lead.

Sydney priest 'groomer' caught on webcam, court told

Catholicism fails the morality test again. The article doesn't clearly state that Father Fuller is facing excommunication. He may be punished in this world but, according to Catholicism, further punishment wont be necessary.


Banning football!!!

A football coach is on child porn charges. Obviously, in Conroy-logic, this makes football "gateway child abuse". I'll start the chorus off. Now, on my hand flapping:
Wont somebody think of the children!!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

DPP blasts net censor plan

The NSW Director of Public Prosecutions has slammed the Federal Government's internet censorship policy, saying it will have very limited, if any, success in achieving its aims.

Asher Moses' SMH Article:

ITWire Article: