Wednesday, March 31, 2010

'Rape simulator' game goes viral amid calls for censorship

Attempts to ban a deplorable "rape simulator" video game have only caused it to spread virally across the internet, leading to calls for sites hosting the game to be blocked by internet censors.

Karen Willis, executive officer of the NSW Rape Crisis Centre, said in a phone interview that the existence of material such as the RapeLay video game, which lets players simulate stalking and raping young girls, made internet filters, such as those proposed by the government, necessary.


This is a distasteful game. If a friend felt that it was good fun I would question being their friend.

The calls to ban the game have given it massive coverage.

Rape fantasy doesn't particularly turn into rape. Many sexual fantasies are deliberately kept as fantasy. We often don't want to spoil our fantasies by playing them out in the real world. Rape rates are falling in liberal democracies where pornography is freely available.

In the end, it's fun to be indignant and hard work to do the work and prove your case.

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