Thursday, March 18, 2010

Parental call for concert classification after racy Lady Gaga concert

BLOOD, sex, gore, eating disorders and so much more - all in a day's work for singer Lady Gaga.

But when her Australian tour kicked off this week, using elements of bulimia, binge drinking and expletives as props, the chaperoning parents in the audience were not dancing to the same beat as other fans.

They are asking why no Australian concert is obliged to carry a classification to warn them, say, that a woman in a G-string might ask a kid to "get their c--- out"?


The net filter isn't even in yet and already the slippery slope-isms have started.
When the government says it will take over parenting for parents this is they reaction they should expect. What on earth made this parent think that a rock concert was going to be child friendly?

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