Thursday, December 11, 2008

Indonesian Anti Porn Laws

Did the governments of the world all get together and decide to do this all at once or is it just my imagination? Indonesia signs in a law making anything that titterlates illegal.

They're on a slipery slope here. One that ISP filtering puts us on. Fundementalist religious minorities in Australia want to forse their beliefs onto others. Claims that child molestation spring from porn need to be supported by imperical data. Prove it with science, not noisy hysteria, before making it law.

Works of art, obscene "bodily movements" (Muslims don't dance), or material that can "arouse sexuality.’" may now be illegal. This is fundamentalist wedge strategy at work. Next there will be a Taliban style requirement for women to wear tents in public.

They say porn hurts children. I'd say that being married to an adult man at the age of 12 would do a great deal more harm. Muslim clerics are pretending that they can advise the world on issues of morality.

Women's groups don't like it. Islam will stamp them out though. "Women? Thinking? In a group!?"

The governor of Bali says he will not inforse the laws. Balanese threaten civil disobedience.

Papuan traditions threatened.


Jakarta Post Opinions

Protesters are being "questioned" after attempting to protest the laws.

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