Tuesday, November 11, 2008

SMH Coverage

I don't want to be a fundamentalist christian thankyou very much. If Steve Feilding from Australia's "Family First" wants to fool himself into believing in Jesus Pty Limited that's fine. That doesn't mean I have to follow him into this folly and it doesn't give him the right to tell me what to do. He forgets the political process. Politicians are elected to represent me. That means listening to what I want and I have to say this in no uncertain terms: I don't want this!

I don't want public time and money wasted.
I don't want my internet ruined.
I don't want my country to be prudish.

This SMH article tells how the government is trying to suppress the extent to which this fool's idea will disrupt the function of the internet.

Fortunately the Liberals and the Greens are opposing the idea in the senate but Family First like the idea because the religious right want the bible to be the only X rated material allowed.


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