Friday, November 28, 2008


We are sitting here watching Crocodile Dundee. It's about 9pm. We get to the bar scene when Mick Dundee feels the cross dresser up after his new taxi driver friend tells him the girl he's been chatting up is a man.

We move straight to the scene with the prostitutes. They say "Well we might have to give you one for free."

5 minutes later they're at a party and Mick grabs an older woman on the crotch. Everyone looks suitably shocked. The older woman says she'll have to go to Australia.

Same party he ruins a batch of cocaine. The scene closes with Sue telling Mick what he'd done.

These scenes were hacked out of the movie.


Guess what was left in. All of the violence with Mick bashing people who slight him and an attempted armed robbery foiled by a bigger knife. Killing animals indiscriminately. The politically incorrect remarks. Everything else was OK just as long as it wasn't sexual.

Now, to my point. Once the prudes start censoring they can't stop. They will never be satisfied until everything is so straight laced that it's not worth watching.
These were sexual reference. Very modest. Not explicit at all. They were contextual. It was 9pm. If children are young enough to be "upset" by these references they would probably be in bed.

Parents shouldn't be so frightened of the questions that issues like this bring up. If the kids understand these references and ask questions parents should not see this as an embracing thing they should see it as an opportunity to educate their children.

It is normal for young people to be curious and sexual knowledge is empowering.

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