Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stephen Conroy has expressed admiration for what he termed as Google's role in suppressing controversial web content in China...

APC Article

In the latest twist over his controversial Web filtering scheme, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has expressed admiration for what he termed as Google's role in suppressing controversial Web content in countries like China, Thailand, and elsewhere - and confirmed he is trying to use similar filtering to prevent Australians from viewing offensive content via Google-owned YouTube.

Google denies this claim.
Google, however, is having none of it, denying both Conroy's claims about deep-packet filtering and suggestions it would voluntarily filter RC content. "We don't believe the comparisons between how China filters the Internet, and how Australia is looking at it, are relevant," Google Australia head of policy Iarla Flynn told APCmag.com.

Did Conroy not see the news story where Google recently told China to get stuffed? This might be a good example of Conroy's internal filter in action. You can tell him anything and he will hear what he wants to hear every time.

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