Monday, November 30, 2009

Conroy must explain why Christian lobby gets net filtering trial update: Greens

The Australian Greens are calling on the Communications Minister Stephen Conroy to explain who else besides the Christian Lobby will be given a background briefing on the net filtering proposal.

"The head of the Australian Christian Lobby, Jim Wallace, met with communications minister Senator Conroy late last week," Greens Spokesperson on Communications, Senator Scott Ludlam said today.

"Mr Wallace says he has not received any information on the trial results, but is reported to have told the Christian Lobby's national conference that he had "found out" enough on the ISP-level filtering trial to believe that ISP-level filtering worked."

Story Continues:

How does Sen. Conroy honestly expect us to believe that this is not just legislating religion if Mr Wallace is privy to inside information before the general public?

Crikey blogged about it:

The whirlpool forum is buzzing:

I particularly liked this comment:

An Onymous Lefty discusses Clive Hamilton's candidature for the Greens and how, despite his masterminding of the whole netfilter fiasco, the Greens are still our best chance at no net filter.

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