Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Aussie Pirate Party plans election onslaught

After winning 7.1 per cent of Swedish votes in this year's European Parliament elections, The Pirate Party has opened up a branch in Australia and plans to contest the next federal election.

The party, which will campaign on a platform of anti-internet censorship and the decriminalisation of non-commercial file sharing, has already signed up 550 members, enough for it to register as a party with the Australian Electoral Commission.

Pirate Party Site:

SMH Article:

File sharing is a grey area. The idea that people would have no right to protect their work is not fair. Artists need to eat too. But the idea that a person can be sued by a record company for hundreds of thousands of dollars for having a hand full of mp3s on their computer is simply absurd.

So, as system where artists are rewarded and record companies are destroyed... don't know how but I think it could fly. :)

Then we more to internet censorship. I care more about this than pirating so I find myself agreeing with the Pirate Party. Also, pirates are on FSM's side and it is blasphemy day.

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