Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ban the Catholic Church, I say
A Catholic Priest is on child porn charges now. Why are we destroying the internet when they are just standing around in religious robes.
Conroy scoffs at estimates of broadband network estimates but....
Conroy scoffs at estimates of broadband network estimates but refuses to give his price estimate.
Who is going to pay $200 plus for ADSL access. I need a good ADSL connection. My connection is better than most people I know at half that price. Is this how Conroy is going to bring Australia's internet access up to world standard? Who is going to pay $200 for a filtered internet connection?
This guy is so out of touch with what people want that it is not funny.
Who is going to pay $200 plus for ADSL access. I need a good ADSL connection. My connection is better than most people I know at half that price. Is this how Conroy is going to bring Australia's internet access up to world standard? Who is going to pay $200 for a filtered internet connection?
This guy is so out of touch with what people want that it is not funny.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A taste of things to come:

SMH have an error on their HTML today but because the story is about the net filter it is funny. The ad wouldn't get out of the way so I couldn't read see the stroy without viewing the source.
After a while they fixed it so it stopped being funny.
Optus are participating in the net filter trial. I hope they haven't turned into government stooges. I'm sure Optus has some good techs who will be able to reveal the full depth of the flaws in Conroy's great wall.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
This is why governments are trying to put a lid on the internet.
Twitter activist is suprised when 20,000 instead of 200 people turn up to protest the Moldova's election as suspect. Organiser, Natalia Morar, has gone into hiding fearing arrest.
SMH article:
SMH article:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Conroy could spend his millions on this instead.
Police work done by a Qld police constable has broken a child abuse ring spanning the world. With Conroy's filters in place, our police force will be powerless to assist in the world wide fight against child exploitation material.
Brisbane times story:
Brisbane times story:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Queenslanders show their prudish side again.
Two Queensland papers showed themselves to be pointlessly prudish today.
The Sunshine Coast Daily got up in arms about The Noosa Swingers Club's website and the Courier Mail got its knickers in a knot about a website designed for pre-teens by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.
The Sunshine Coast Daily reporter went looking for something to be offended by and found it. The Noosa Swingers Club website had explicit pictures on it. Well duh! Your kidding! I thought that Swingers were a knitting circle! For f^(#s sake, if you don't want to see swinging, don't look at swingers club sites. And as for children finding it: 1) I don't care because I don't believe that it will substantially harm them and 2) why aren't their parents looking after them? I didn't ask for the job and I don't want it.
The Hormone Factory site for sex education for pre-teens is very tame. It talks about issues and gives them very sanitised information to let them have sufficient understanding of sex to know it is an issue that they will have to address soon but it's nothing to worry about at the moment. Do the bogan commenters really believe that they know more about this topic than a university sex research centre? Has the average person that much disdain for education and intellectuals? Wait... yes they have. Not all opinions are equal. Researched, considered opinions are worth more than bogan opinions, superstitions and death cults. I don't care if you are a parent, research pulls rank on being able to get sprogged up for the baby bonus.
I sent a email of support to the La Trobe University team in charge to let them know that not all people are ignorant fools.
The Sunshine Coast Daily got up in arms about The Noosa Swingers Club's website and the Courier Mail got its knickers in a knot about a website designed for pre-teens by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.
The Sunshine Coast Daily reporter went looking for something to be offended by and found it. The Noosa Swingers Club website had explicit pictures on it. Well duh! Your kidding! I thought that Swingers were a knitting circle! For f^(#s sake, if you don't want to see swinging, don't look at swingers club sites. And as for children finding it: 1) I don't care because I don't believe that it will substantially harm them and 2) why aren't their parents looking after them? I didn't ask for the job and I don't want it.
The Hormone Factory site for sex education for pre-teens is very tame. It talks about issues and gives them very sanitised information to let them have sufficient understanding of sex to know it is an issue that they will have to address soon but it's nothing to worry about at the moment. Do the bogan commenters really believe that they know more about this topic than a university sex research centre? Has the average person that much disdain for education and intellectuals? Wait... yes they have. Not all opinions are equal. Researched, considered opinions are worth more than bogan opinions, superstitions and death cults. I don't care if you are a parent, research pulls rank on being able to get sprogged up for the baby bonus.
I sent a email of support to the La Trobe University team in charge to let them know that not all people are ignorant fools.
Friday, April 3, 2009
So you want to monitor comuter use...
So you want to monitor comuter use in your home. x3watch will do this for you. It has even been created by a church so it must do the job.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Who needs the net filter?
The video:
The report:
Number of Australians: 21,542,500
Australians 0-14: 19.3% about half way down under "CHILDREN (UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE)"
Give a figure of: 4,157,702 children 0-14.
At 15 you can leave school and get a job. This indicates to me that these people are old enough to make decisions for themselves to a great degree. There isn't much point in filtering the net with these people. They know how to dodge filters. They know more about computers than Conroy ever will.
To get an idea as to how many kids at each age I thought I'd just divide by 14. I couldn't find any raw data on each age. There may be more children of younger ages because of the introduction of the baby bonus scheme. If it is wrong in favour of younger kids (which I suspect it will be) that goes against my arguement so it wont invalidate my point.
The gives: 4157702 / 14 = 296979(rounded) per age.
Now, the idea that a child of 8 would be unattended online sounds like child neglect to me. Even with the Conroy filter in place the internet is a big place with adult concepts. Why isn't the computer in the lounge room or similar so that people can keep an eye on what kids are up to.
So six years at 296979 per year gives 1781874 or so.
Surveys are suggesting that 90% of people do not want this filter.
So: 90% of 1781874 is 178,187
So, 21 million people have to give up their right to a free internet because 178 thousand kids can't be looked aftr by their own parent.
The report:
Number of Australians: 21,542,500
Australians 0-14: 19.3% about half way down under "CHILDREN (UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE)"
Give a figure of: 4,157,702 children 0-14.
At 15 you can leave school and get a job. This indicates to me that these people are old enough to make decisions for themselves to a great degree. There isn't much point in filtering the net with these people. They know how to dodge filters. They know more about computers than Conroy ever will.
To get an idea as to how many kids at each age I thought I'd just divide by 14. I couldn't find any raw data on each age. There may be more children of younger ages because of the introduction of the baby bonus scheme. If it is wrong in favour of younger kids (which I suspect it will be) that goes against my arguement so it wont invalidate my point.
The gives: 4157702 / 14 = 296979(rounded) per age.
Now, the idea that a child of 8 would be unattended online sounds like child neglect to me. Even with the Conroy filter in place the internet is a big place with adult concepts. Why isn't the computer in the lounge room or similar so that people can keep an eye on what kids are up to.
So six years at 296979 per year gives 1781874 or so.
Surveys are suggesting that 90% of people do not want this filter.
So: 90% of 1781874 is 178,187
So, 21 million people have to give up their right to a free internet because 178 thousand kids can't be looked aftr by their own parent.
Hitler and his net filter.
Ah commentors. One comment calls for this video to be removed because they found it offensive. You don't have a right not to be offended. I'm not making you watch this. If you don't like it, don't watch it. I'm offended by the stupid, pointless offense-taking, complaint driven culture we find ourselves in.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Conroy is flipflopping
Conroy is changing his mind about what the filter will do. Now, if he can't decide what it will do now do you imagine for a second that it will be easy to question the validity of the idea when it is up and running.
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