Friday, March 27, 2009

Conroy on Q and A

Conroy appeared on Q and A to discuss his filter. Asher Moses gives us a rundown for the SMH.

SMH Article

The article sites a caching error for the inclusion of Henson's photos. If the ACMA is not computer savvy enough to manage the list what makes them imagine that the will be able to do it better with the power to ban anything.

Conroy has missed the point. We don't give him permission to do this. He acts as an elected official. People do not want this. Australians do not want this. They are saying stop wasting time and money on a thing we don't want. Listen, fv(# ya!

He goes on to blame the Russians for spamming a page on the dentist's site. Will the government compensate businesses that it sends broke by mistakenly secretly banning their sites? Blamming the Russians?? Are you aware that the cold war is over?

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