Sunday, July 26, 2009

Chinese hack into film festival site

CHINESE hackers have attacked the Melbourne International Film Festival website in an intensifying campaign against the screening of a documentary about exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer.

This is what the Chinese have done to silence us here. This is the same sort of thing as Conroy wants to introduce. He wants this kind of control over the net.

Article in The Age:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thai net filter

Wanna see what Australia's net filter will look like in a few years. Thailand is a few steps further along this path than us.

There is all the emotive talk of child protection and terrorism.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It probably started with a public morality issue...

It probably started with a public morality issue but Iran's internet is now going to be used to stop any nasty little outbreaks of democracy such as the one we saw lately.

SMH article:

Iran has passed a new internet law that experts fear will make information on internet users more readily available to the authorities.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It wasn't gamers, it was a devout christian

Conroy wants to block gamers from accessing games rated above M 15+ because there might be violence. Perhaps he should be looking at what the fundamentalists are telling people about possession by demons to stop violence.

All the moderate christians out there who say that this isn't your christianity doing this should look closely at what you did to stop this sort of nonsense from gaining traction in the world. It has traction right now. What are you doing to stop this rubbish because I don't want the demons shot out of me.

Article >

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Conroy's fame has spread to the UK.

Stephen Conroy's mandatory internet filtering plans have earned him the title of Internet Villain of the Year

The UK Internet Industry Awards

Conroy's fame has spread to the UK.

Mansfield man, 75, sued for sex abuse

David Harvey of 2061 Ranchwood Drive is named in the suit, along with the Rev. Sonny Thayer, 2878 Millsboro Road; Dianna Kochheiser, 1109 W. Hanley Road; and Russ Harvey of Galion. Grace Brethren Church, 531 Marion Ave., also is named.


Once again, religion shows that it is incapable of forming a good society that protects children.

While governments and churches are busy deriding the internet as a terribly dangerous place for children the pedophiles are grooming the church kids. Kids who are taught that people in their church are inherently trustworthy simply because they are members of their church are left very open to abuse.

Children need to learn early that their bodies belong to them. Children have to know that they get to decide who touches them and they are allowed to say no to wrong or uncomfortable things regardless of who is doing it. That's what I taught young people in karate lessons. It doesn't take much to push an adult away. Pedophiles need quiet compliant children. They will run a mile if a child shows that he or she will fight, kick, bite and scream (yes, I gave bitting lessons). It takes 5 minutes to teach the average child to drop down in their stance (or sit down) and twist out of a wrist hold (being dragged by the hand). If they could break the hold, attack the groin. If you get away, run as fast as you can. I never got complaints from parents that the lessons caused negative behaviour.

This old guy in the church was probably trusted by all of the parents and he used this trust to get access to the children. This shows again that the church model of community is inherently flawed.

But, that aside, adults that were abused as children probably tithe more than non-abused so it's good for business. To be so damaged and confused would probably make them cling to the church.

Australian Institute of Criminology's report.

Online child grooming: a literature review on the misuse of social networking sites for grooming children for sexual offences.

Friday, July 10, 2009

ICANN says Web filters will "embarrass" Aussie govt

An Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) chief has said the Australian government will "embarrass itself" if it pushes ahead with plans to install a national Internet content filter.

ComputerWorld Article

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Censordyne - Web Filter Parody

SMH Article:

Censordyne - cleaning the internet Conroy style.

GetUp Campaign - flick them a few bucks to get this ad in front of politicians.